Over the course of this week I spent some time continuing to work through Andrew Mead's The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019) Course on Udemy. This week in the course we covered prototypal inheritance and the prototypal chain. We also touched upon the concept of object oriented programming in JavaScript along with constructor functions. In addition learning about these concepts, we also began building a hangman game to help demonstrate these concepts and get some experience working with them.
This week I also continued making videos for my HTML tutorial playlist on Youtube. I covered such topics as lists, links, divs, tables, and line breaks and horizontal rows to name a few. I also helped mentor a fellow developer who just began their learning journey and reached out to me through my portfolio site. I offered some advice on learning, being job ready, different text editors, staying motivated, and managing your time as well as answered some other questions he wanted to ask me. This was very rewarding to me as giving back to the community and helping others is very important. The two of us set up a channel on Slack so we can communicate easier and stay in touch.
Another thing I accomplished this week was completing two of the projects in the Front End Libraries section on Free Code Camp. I completed the Pomodoro Clock and the Drum Machine projects. I used React to complete both of these projects. I am very proud of the way they both turned out and plan on making videos on my Youtube channel where I code through the projects on Free Code Camp.
The last thing I worked on this week was compiling lists of interview questions in the topics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React. I plan on working toward turning these lists into flashcards on StudyBlue.com so I can use them to study and prepare for interviews.